Slipcovers are an inexpensive way of giving a new look to the furniture. New slipcovers may give the room a look of complete renovation. It is used to cover the existing upholstery of a couch, loveseat or dining chair to instantly create a whole new look. Making new slipcovers are inexpensive compared to getting furniture upholstered. It is possible to own more than one set that can be changed frequently as well.
It is possible for individuals possessing basic sewing skills, to make slipcovers on their own. An intermediate seamstress would find it very easy to make these slipcovers that can be used on various furniture items.
There are various books available in the local bookstores that explain the exact methodology of making a slipcover. Some fabric stores may also offer basic patterns and designs that are used to stitch slipcovers for different types of furniture. Some libraries may have a homemakers$%: section containing books on instructions to create slipcovers at home. Several sites on Internet give a step-by-step process of making slipcovers.
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Length of fabric required should be measured as the first step to make slipcovers. This will depend on the size and number of furniture pieces to be covered. Then comes selection of material. If the furniture that has to be covered, is being used daily, then it is necessary to go in for a fabric that is rugged and will handle rigorous wear. In such a case, individuals should select from canvas, linen, denim or chintz fabric.
The next step is to color coordinate the fabric with rest of the d:%$eacute;cor in the room. Slipcovers can be elegant, simple or flashy depending on the chosen fabric. It is noted that floral prints, stripes, checks and plaids have always been popular choices. It is possible to have the slipcovers custom made in case the individual is trying to match it with the tablecloth or curtain of the room.